About the Instructor

I am certified as a Fertility Awareness Educator through Fertility Education and Medical Management. I also hold a bachelors of arts in Political Science, a masters of science in International Relations, and a graduate certificate in Security Studies: Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.

Hi, I'm Emma

I'm glad you are here.

I started as research faculty at a graduate school on the West Coast. After meeting my husband I paused my career in academia and pivoted to NGO work fighting sex-trafficking in Central Europe and East Africa.

Despite being taken seriously in the professional space, the opposite was occurring when it came to my healthcare goals. My desire for non-hormonal birth control was met with confusion and (on one sad day) laughs during doctors' appointments. I felt rushed, frustrated, and alone.

Speaking with other women, I found this experience is not unique. My two passions -- education and women's empowerment -- intersected in science-backed Fertility Awareness. After years of successful personal experience I entered the classroom yet again to become a certified Fertility Awareness Educator.

What started as educational presentations in friends' living rooms soon grew in popularity . . . leading to Seasonal Insights, LLC.

Feeling exhausted and unheard should NOT be the norm. My driving goal is to walk alongside couples and individuals, giving them tools and confidence through education to become informed participants in their health and pregnancy goals.